Down but not out...
Good afternoon all, some of you will perhaps know already about my recent predicament but for those who don't, I thought I should explain what's happened and assure you that all will be ok in the not too distant future.
It all started last Autumn when I began to find it difficult to walk properly and my right hip became rather painful which forced me to cancel some of my Walks & Talks. Those who know me personally will know what a blow this was as taking folk out 'Discovering Nature' is a more to me than a job or a hobby, is actually a passion. First port of call was my Gym, BODY WORKS in Lewes. I thought perhaps I had overdone it trying to keep fit. A physiotherapist there thought I might have a nerve caught in my spine (how right she was) and advised a trip to my GP. However, the doctor missed it but noted arthritis in the hip, the knee below, the right big toe and various smaller joint unrelated to my ability to walk properly and in need of 4 operations spread over the coming year including hip and knee cap replacements.. This was a correct diagnosis so thanks to his good work I set off in the right direction but things got steadily worse and to cut a long story short, walking with difficulty at 7am Lewes railway station, I fell backwards down some steps and shattered my left upper arm (humerus) in the worst possible way, a Comminuted fracture!
However... you all know me by now, just a minor setback and there are always folk worse off.
The good news is that I am now classed as an emergency and, under the NHS, will be treated at a private hospital where the problem was spotted by one of the physios there that works part-time at my gym! I will have all operations in relatively quick succession starting with, guess what? A spinal op' to free a trapped nerve in my back.

So, down but not out.
Meanwhile, with help, I got a walk outside yesterday and it's Spring already and the Frogs are spawning a little earlier than usual...

Back home the Ladybirds have come out of hibernation to hunt aphids on my chilli plants and at last I can try out my new iPhone macro lens.

Meanwhile, and this may take as long as my arm to fix, I'm going to upgrade my old YouTube channel and hope to show you regular videos of the exciting things I will be up to this year that would be too long for Instagram etc. Cheerio, Steve