"Extra, extra, read all about it"
The famous old time call of the newspaper sellers. I thought you might like to know what extra sights the select few that I took up to the Orchid field saw?

As the afternoon turns to evening there are a lot of very fast flying large and powerful butterflies evident but almost impossible to photograph or identify as they go over the tops of the grass in the in this special place, you can in some instances just get a glimpse of a fritillary type pattern and I wonder if this one I took at midday last year might be the one. I think this is a Dark green fritillary but I'm not an expert so please do correct me if I am wrong. Hurry though, as for the last 4 days a pair of Hobbies have been catching them in truly spectacular fashion and eating them on the wing.

Actually it was at times difficult to concentrate on the Fragrant, Spotted and Burnt tip Orchids all together at our feet with all hell let loose in the air... A Buzzard spent the longest time hang in the air above us with the bottom half of a rabbit in it's talons as if to invite a youngster to take it, I hoped, but to no avail.

There were other wonderful sights and sounds to witness but often just peace and tranquillity.
All in all it's been a fantastic few days, with just a few more left before I pass on to another subject for my Walks & Talks so get get in touch as soon as you can. I don't want to damage this site by going too often with too many visitors. Steve