Sep 13, 20211 min

High as Kites?

You may know of this this unusual behaviour but many do not realise that Jackdaws roost with Rooks in their Rookeries at night and all over the UK at dusk and dawn they have a few minutes of madness together! Here they are in Lewes last night next to the railway station.

If you see and hear this phenomena as often as I do you will surely conclude that there is more to this than meets the eye. It’s unique and most peculiar.

The ‘display’ in Autumn is a fantastic crazy abstract thing, unlike the beautiful Murmuration of Starlings. This ‘Derangement’ of Corvids is often complete madness with some individuals flying as if under the influence of drugs!?

Quite why the Jackdaws care to roost with their relatives the Rooks, we may never know but after watching cows and sheep accidentally eating ‘magic’ mushrooms (Liberty caps) while grazing above the Cliffs where the birds feed all day, I have to consider the possibility that the birds eat the flies that live on the poo that could have traces of the hallucinogens in them?

Perhaps the birds not only fly as high as kites but actually are as ‘high’ as kites!

Is there anyone who might be able to test this theory? Someone at University perhaps? It would make headlines if correct or at least be a worthy thesis.
